Temperatures on Saturday were record-breaking, passing 80 on our thermometer. Sunday, when Zoe fixed on the idea of running through the sprinklers, it was much cooler, though still sunny. David mowed the lawn, then we turned on the irrigation to give the yard its first good soak of the summer. The kids got soaked, too.
I had a jury summons for Monday morning, so David stayed home with the kids while I went into town. Their hugs goodbye were delicious - I'd like more of those!
At the court house, there was a little bit of paperwork, some instructional lecturing and videos, and lots of waiting around. After about two hours, I was excused on the basis of being a primary care giver for our two small children. As I understand it, this is not a guaranteed basis for excuse from jury duty, but they must have had plenty of other qualified jurors.
Running through sprinklers and snuggling in blankets afterward are both fun activities! PS - Someone has very blue peepers like her momma.
Love the action pics! The kids are growing like weeds. So nice to have some warm temps for a change. Enjoy, because it's not going to last :0)
Looks Like Fun! I Love Their Boots, Too Cute!
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