Friday, May 24, 2013


Measuring, stirring, kneading, ooey-gooey fun. We made gak this afternoon for the first time. Zoe stirred Elmer's glue into room temperature water. Vincent (under careful supervision) stirred borax into warm water. When the soap solution was poured into the glue solution, there was an instant chemical reaction. Gelling and clumping and sliming. It was hard to stir, so we poured the mess into a ziploc bag to knead it into a cohesive mass. Finally, it was ready to play with:

Vincent didn't care for the feel, and maybe for the soapy, gluey smell. He read books and played with Grandma Pat while Zoe messed with the gak for more than an hour. 


Megan said...

Eww! Gak is so weird! And, I agree, it has a strange smell. Looks and sounds like it was a hit though. :) Love Zoe's dress by the way, super cute!

Mom and Dad said...

This is not only an artistic outlet, but a physical one as well! Zoe looks as if she's using a lot of muscle to work it. Vince got to help with the initial creation, so he got something out of the activity too. Glad both were happily occupied.

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