Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Too Much Fun

When our kids fall asleep on the sofa in the middle of the day, we worry. It's so unlike them. 

Zoe zonked out for three hours on Sunday afternoon. David eventually got untangled and left her to sleep on her own. She seemed fine on Monday. In retrospect, she was probably just worn out from sun and fun and pollen exposure after spending most of Saturday outside. Our family has been mighty snotty this summer.


Pat said...

Wow! Great shot of complete relaxation!!! Glad to hear that All is well!

Pat said...

I just realized what this reminds me of... The story book about all the inhabitants climbing in Granny's bed, and the bed finally exploding! With Zoe's limbs going every which way, she looks just like the page in that book! Love it!!!

Mom and Dad said...

Pat, you nailed it! It's been a long time since I've read that book. :-) They do seem very relaxed, so much so that it looks as if Z is about to ooze off the couch.

So sorry the snots have been an issue this year. Our fingers are crossed that this is as bad as it gets for you.

Sally D said...

I love napping with kids! Great picture.

Megan said...

How did I miss so many posts! I hope the snots go away soon for all of us. It's so sweet to see Zoe relaxing with her daddy. She really must have needed the rest.

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