Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Upside of a birthday: boxes containing percussion instruments (several of them!) addressed to you.

Downside of a birthday: doctor visit.

Vincent had his two year old well child check up today. He is old enough now that he understood where we were going and was able to express apprehension. It was less traumatic than it might have been. Strangers, very kind ones, did talk to him and touch him, but Vincent escaped the needle...for now. He'll go in a few weeks for vaccinations, hopefully by which time he'll be over his head cold. As Zoe informed the doctor, "Vincent is snotting a lot."

Heigh 36 1/2 inches, 93rd percentile.
Weight 30 pounds 4 ounces, 76th percentile.
Body mass index 32nd percentile.

Other than the snot, Vincent is a healthy boy who is hitting all the developmental milestones. Hooray!


Pat said...

Wonderful check up!! Great assist by Zoe! I kind of think he's surpassing his milestones. Good thing I wasn't at the doctor's office!
Glad to have confirmed how healthy he is, including those antibody building germs!!!

Mom and Dad said...

What a good birthday present! He looks quite proficient in his playing. We're very glad he's a healthy boy - despite (in spite of?) the snot.
Zoe seems comfortable with the doctor if she is willing to offer commentary. Or is that only because she was not the one being examined?

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