Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Banana Phone

I have a fancy new phone. In response to my first text from this high tech gadget, David sent an emoticon of a banana. And I recognized it! It was not a row of squares and squiggles, it was a banana! My old phone wasn't so very old, but it didn't know what to do with emoticons.

And now I am talking to my phone and it is writing these words automatically. No punctuation or capitalization, but still...I'm blown away. I'm figuring things out as I go. I will now blame all typos on the phone. Or on the kids: Zoe yearningly says "I just want to push things."


Mom and Dad said...

Her grandad would just shake his head and say Z takes after her grandma. He frequently tells me I'm "push-happy" when it comes to navigating on the computer!

Megan said...

Haha! You'll have to get out the toy phone again. Though I know it wouldn't be as satisfying. Most parents let their kids use their phones all time. Very expensive toy! Enjoy your emoticons!

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