Sunday, May 31, 2015

Meat Eaters

We went to a new (to us) restaurant today. It's the kind of place with lots of animal heads on the walls. The kids were fascinated, and had many questions about the whys and hows of the mounts. Sample: "Are those real eyes?"

The food was good, and not exclusively protein based. I had a delicious grilled artichoke, which Zoe also liked. She worked over my pile of discarded leaves looking for tidbits. Moving the artichoke leaves revealed two rib bones I had finished, and she gnawed those, too. This was after she ate her own burger (wondering, appreciatively, what kind of animal it was) and a cup of mac and cheese.

Vincent wanted nothing to do with the artichoke, and David asked me to stop distracting him with difficult to eat vegetables - he was trying to concentrate on his prime rib.

After dinner, we went out back for some lasso practice and bull riding.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Magic Words

Rex the Funtastic Magician flourished her flowery wand and uttered the magic words: "Abba kazoo, make the bunny in the hat!" And there it was. 

(I can't get the photos in the correct order on my banana phone. Also, "Funtastic" is not a typo. She repeated herself to make sure her name was clearly understood.)


Vincent the Strawberry Magician also had some magic words: "Magic words!" Bonus points for concealing such a big bunny on his small person.

Friday, May 8, 2015


We're reading Little House In The Big Woods again. This is the third - or maybe fourth? - time through with the kids. Tonight's chapter was about Laura's first trip to town, where she was overwhelmed by all the houses and all the things in the store.

I asked the kids what it would be like to always be at your house, with only your family around you, and a lot of chores even for little kids, and just a few simple toys to play with. I suggested it would be pretty different from the life we know. Vincent added "Diffuhwent and bohwing."

Funny to hear him say, but I hope it's one step closer to understanding how fortunate we are to live in this time and place and circumstance.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


It's been ridiculously windy here - typical springtime weather. The air is full of dust and pollen and sneezes and itches and I don't want to be outside. So today the kids and I worked in the garage building a planting bed. As soon as the air slows down, we'll tote it to the backyard.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Banana Phone

I have a fancy new phone. In response to my first text from this high tech gadget, David sent an emoticon of a banana. And I recognized it! It was not a row of squares and squiggles, it was a banana! My old phone wasn't so very old, but it didn't know what to do with emoticons.

And now I am talking to my phone and it is writing these words automatically. No punctuation or capitalization, but still...I'm blown away. I'm figuring things out as I go. I will now blame all typos on the phone. Or on the kids: Zoe yearningly says "I just want to push things."

Friday, May 1, 2015


It was warmISH, thus swimsuits and a bucket of water to play in. 

Puzzle Mania

The puzzle marathon concluded with the big fire engine. Vincent then had to race and put on his fire fighter uniform. It has a built in hose.