We went to a new (to us) restaurant today. It's the kind of place with lots of animal heads on the walls. The kids were fascinated, and had many questions about the whys and hows of the mounts. Sample: "Are those real eyes?"
The food was good, and not exclusively protein based. I had a delicious grilled artichoke, which Zoe also liked. She worked over my pile of discarded leaves looking for tidbits. Moving the artichoke leaves revealed two rib bones I had finished, and she gnawed those, too. This was after she ate her own burger (wondering, appreciatively, what kind of animal it was) and a cup of mac and cheese.
Vincent wanted nothing to do with the artichoke, and David asked me to stop distracting him with difficult to eat vegetables - he was trying to concentrate on his prime rib.
After dinner, we went out back for some lasso practice and bull riding.