There are many horses hereabouts. In fact, the town's welcome sign says "...where horses have the right of way." Makes it sound kinda cowboy hicksville, no?
Today on the drive to preschool, as we drove by the fifth horse, Vincent expressed an interest in having one at our house. We had the same exchange every parent has with every child who inquires about horse ownership. Where would it sleep? What would it eat? Who would clean up its poop? How would we pay for its special horse blanket, equine food, and super-sized pooper-scooper?
Vincent had reasonable answers to all these questions, of course. To buy horsey stuff, he offered up the pennies from his robot piggy bank. When I told him there weren't quite enough pennies in the robot, he said "Otay. I keep my eyes onna gwound."
Very resourceful!
He's a smart guy! Yehaw!
That was good!
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