Saturday, October 4, 2014

Finding Pinecones

The community parks and recreation department purchased a parcel of land just a few lots down from our house. No firm word on what shape the park will take, or when, as there is no funding set aside for development. But they did come in with heavy equipment this summer - some kind of monster bush-hog - and chewed through dense stands of Himalayan blackberry and Scotch broom. They left the big trees. Now one can walk, carefully, around the three acres. 

Edited to add: I forgot to mention the zap. Zoe was the first to notice all the zap on the ground. It was oozing from an owie high on the tree and dripping to the ground in a circle of gooey splatters. Zoe warned our party against touching the zap, noting that zap is super sticky. She suggested we go play under a tree that was not zapping. 


Pat said...

Great pictures! Happy faces!!! Love seeing all!!!

Mom and Dad said...

ditto what Pat said. Sure glad someone was observant and made sure all avoided the "zap"! It can be nasty stuff! :-)

Megan said...

Love those smiles! I think you are the cutest bunch of folks around.

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