Saturday, June 21, 2014


Tea party with "the little glasses, please!" Moments after this snap, the Vermont shot glass slipped to the floor and broke. 

We're down several balls, too. Vincent keeps hitting them out of the park (back yard). The neighbors to one side, who have older kids, often toss them back. Here's hoping the good leather (pleather?) will be returned.

Sometimes we can retrieve one that goes over the fence toward the road. Tonight we went looking for a particular hard plastic ball that is good to hit, but which Phoebe can not yet grasp in her mouth. Both kids say they saw it sail over the fence, but there was no sign of it from the sidewalk. Vince thinks it rolled down to the highway. Where ever it went, I don't think we'll get that one back.

It's baseball all the time with our boy-o. I took a quick shower this morning with Vincent locked in the room with me. He was happily singing into a paper towel tube, so I could hear what he was up to. Then he stopped singing and exclaimed "I hit da baw!" Obviously, he was now using the tube as a bat. "Vince, what are using for a ball?" I hollered from the shower. His gleeful reply: "Da baw id yo panteeeed!" Allrighty, then. Carry on.


Mom and Dad said...

Lovely tea party set-up! Too bad about the balls, but not surprising. You just need a bigger back yard. :-) Love you!

Megan said...

I bet Goodwill has replacement tea party sized glass, and maybe some extra t-balls too. Maybe you guys could put up one of those giant nets around your fence like at the ball park. :)

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