Friday, April 18, 2014


Zoe and Vincent both enjoy a time intensive, detail-oriented craft. The mosaics involved sticking adhesive dots on the picture, then putting sequins on the adhesive. The adhesive required my help, but both kids stuck sequins to the very end. Yay for fine motor skills. The mosaic was the second craft of the day...we glued together some foam and puff ball bunnies first.

On a different afternoon this week, we made cloud dough for the first time. It's just flour and baby oil. It has a pleasing texture, but the children were disappointed it wasn't more moldable, like play dough. It's more like making mud pies or sand castles. It keeps well, according to the recipe, so we'll play with again. I think I'll add glitter. May as well, as it's a pretty messy activity already.


Pat said...

They are so industrious!! Actually, YOU are so industrious! They are VERY engrossed! Looks challenging and fun! Always something new!!! Happy Easter!! :) Have fun!!

Mom and Dad said...

You are all doing a great job! Love to all of you.

Megan said...

You know, glitter makes everything more fun :)

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