Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Vincent has had a fair amount of live baseball exposure this summer. We watched David play historic town ball at Fort Humboldt not too long ago. Right now, David is playing in a softball league. Most of the games are too late for the kids, but we watched David play a few innings in a game last week. Plus, we see him suit up and head out for games and practices. They have uniforms and hats and cleats and everything.

There is also the local college baseball team, the Crabs. We most recently went to see them this Sunday afternoon, and the afternoon couldn't have been more perfect. We sit in an open area by the outfield where there are no bleachers, just grass. People bring blankets to sit on and the children can run around freely. It's also just on the other side of the fence from where the Crabs warm up, so we got to see close up action. Including one player who suddenly started stripping out of his clothes in a tearing hurry. There was a bee in his shirt, which did indeed sting him.

So....baseball, baseball, baseball. It's no wonder Vincent is incorporating baseball into his play.

Vincent's ability to express himself verbally continues to expand, though it's still garbled. He'll take a tumble and pop up to say "I otay!" Or perhaps "Oh deauw!" (I'm okay, oh dear). Makes me smile every time.

Zoe makes me smile, too. Just now, she told Vincent that "...Mama is too big for school. She won't fit in the chairs at snack time."


Mom and Dad said...

Good video! He's the one who will be chomping at the bit to play T-ball. Though it might be too tame for him after watching his dad play.

Oweee! for the guy who got stung! Hurts just thinking about it.

Ken said...

So much fun to see him begin to communicate :0) No doubt, he's watching Dad and the rest of the ball players carefully. (Let's pray he got the Roemer genes for throwing and catching; that's bound to make the game more fun!)

Megan said...

Their progress is so much fun to watch and hear about. I hope he didn't get you in the nose with that line drive. :) Uncle Jason really liked this post, he can't wait to cheer them on at sports.

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