Thursday, December 13, 2012


Spatchcocked. I did it to a chicken. It's not as rude as it sounds.

Actually, the butcher and I did it together. He cut out the chicken's backbone, and then I brought the chicken home and splayed it out flat for cooking. Per Martha Stewart's instructions, I put the chicken on a baking sheet over a layer of lemon slices, with more lemon slices tucked under the skin.

As I poked my fingers under the skin, Zoe inquired "Is the chicken okay with that?"


This question, and follow-up questions, lead to the fact that the chicken was dead. This disturbed Zoe. However, she readily acknowledged that she likes to eat chicken. We talked about the animals living on a farm before they got dead and went to the store where we chose them to eat for dinner.

An hour later, our meal was served. Zoe went straight for the chicken. She scarfed up every bit on her plate and asked for more. I wouldn't give her more until she ate some green beans and potatoes. Vincent, on the other hand, ignored his chicken. He ate only potatoes, and possibly a few green beans since they were fun to impale on the fork. I suspect he will only eat pasture raised chickens. Cage free just isn't good enough.

The chicken turned out tasty, and the roasted lemon slices and onion wedges were delicious. It was very easy to make. But: the baking sheet will be a hassle to clean. Also, it spattered enough in the oven to make the fire alarm go off. So...mixed review.

I set off the fire alarm frequently in this house, due to the open floor plan and the way the ceiling is sloped, and possibly a very sensitive fire alarm. (No really, I don't think it's my cooking.) When the alarm starts blaring, I throw open a few windows and start waving my kitchen towel at the fire alarm to waft the hint of smoke away. Today, I was still working on the windows when Vincent grabbed a towel and ran to the correct spot, waving enthusiastically.

They're both still so little, and yet they have learned so much. And they are ever eager to learn more, see more, hear more, do more, to be big. Zoe had a little blemish on her cheek. "I think I know why I have a pimple," she told me. "It's because I'm almost all growed up."


Pat said...

So enjoyable! Love all the examples!!!! Glad you tried the chicken! Now, I think I'll pass!

Megan said...

Oh man, that was a good one! I laughed out loud and am still smiling. I hope they're not almost all growed up yet, cause I have too much fun sharing in their tiny adventures. They are just too cute. Love you guys!

Mom and Dad said...

Ditto on Megan's comments! We loved all the details! Lots of good conversations (and learning) happen in the kitchen.

The chicken sounds good to me. Sorta like baked chicken piccata. You know, foil was invented so you wouldn't have to work so hard at cleaning the pan.

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