On June 17, the summer stretched before us in a limitless way. You know the next line...where did the time go??
We used it up on swimming lessons, tee ball, an amazing trip to Alaska, and summer camp. David has traveled a few times for work, as well. We have put away delicious quantities of backyard berries, mostly in our tummies but a few into the freezer, too. The pea plants are still producing enough that we're eating peas and also stockpiling for the winter. The apples trees are loaded with not-quite-ripe fruit. The flower garden is past its peak, but still full of color.
There are just two weeks left before school starts for the children, and I'll go back a few days earlier. There are many projects I hoped to accomplish this summer that didn't get done, but I still count it as a season well spent. I hope you can say the same!