Friday, January 8, 2016

Paid Employment

This morning one of my aunties called. She wanted to ask about that job application I mentioned here on the blog back in November. We don't speak on the phone often, but it's always a pleasure. Unfortunately, I missed her call this morning. Because I was interviewing for that job!

I'm not sure I should really call it an interview. The principal did most of the talking, describing to me the duties and hours she had available and asking me to choose those which worked best for me. I'll start work on Monday morning, working with fourth and fifth graders as a classroom paraprofessional. In other words, I'm a teacher's aide.

The hours are just right. I'll work three hours per morning while Vincent is at preschool. I'll have the same days off as Zoe and Vincent, including summers. The kids won't even notice that I'm working, except that perhaps they'll have to go grocery shopping with me more often than they have recently. The principal had no problem with a trip I already have planned at the end of January, and she also mentioned that if I need to miss work because I am sick or the kids are sick, it's nothing to stress out about.

Vincent would like to make the following contribution:

vincent is 4. he is wearing a moose shirt.

He typed that line himself.

I think I'll be good at this job, and the hours and location (a bit more than a mile from home) are excellent. I'm ready to expand the scope of my world and my contributions to society beyond the walls of home. No doubt there will be times when I wonder why I have added to my responsibilities, but at the moment, I am very pleased to be going to work - for pay!

(I did call my auntie back and we had a good chat.)