Our T ball kiddo practicing her game face. (Actually, telling mama to put away the camera!)
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Friday, June 5, 2015
Not Snaps
I wanted bronze snap dragons this year, lots of them. They are dark orange, available in short and frilly, standard tallish, and super tall. When I inquired at the local nursery early this spring, they said nope, none coming our way. So I bought seeds from two places online.
We successfully nurtured a table full of tiny sprouts up to transplantable size, and I put them in the ground as soon as it was practical. They filled out nicely, and some are now blooming!
The blooms are not bronze. The blooms are not snapdragons.
Each plant has different colored variegated flowers. Maybe Linaria? Pretty, sure, but not what I meant to plant.
Here's hoping the other packet of seeds grows into something matching the advertised description.