Friday, January 9, 2015


Outside of a dog, a book is a person's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to see. David tells this joke often enough that it's one of the few I remember. I've recently added a new one to my repertoire, courtesy of a children's book. What color is a burp? Burple. We read this one as a family. Vincent immediately chuckled, which made the rest of us laugh.

Where was I going with this? Books. We love them, we have lots of them, we read them together, and it pleases me so much when I see the kids reading alone. Or with each other. Or with their dog. 

Zoe is bringing home from school something they call precodable books. They are a combination of high frequency (frequently seen/used) words, and pictures with words underneath, telling short and simple stories. She proudly read this week's precodable tonight. When she paused for an extra beat, trying to figure out what the picture represented, Vincent prompted her with the beginning sound "B...b..." He is learning to read right along with his big sister.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Fabulous, Dahling

Every day, Zoe plays dress up. She would go to school like this if we let her. 

Prime, Purple, Blue

The new year has brought us fabulous weather. It's cool, but not too cool. The sun is out. It's dry. We've been outside every day. David and the kids worked on the dog house, and I cleaned out garden beds, pulled weeds, and pruned honeysuckle. Weather like this gets me thinking about planting. I have to remind myself that it's the middle of winter! Garden planning is not amiss. Bare root fruit trees and vines are already arriving in the nursery...

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Catching Up

Some of it is just the perspective in these photos, but the size disparity between these two children is steadily shrinking. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year, New Adventure

When you're small, it is an adventure to be outside in the dark without a grownup. This after dinner outing was Vincent's idea.