Thursday, December 25, 2014

(2 + 2)2 Wheels

Who knows how long it would have been before the kids noticed the large, sheet draped shapes in David's office. Mid-morning, after all the goodies under the tree were unwrapped, David suggested Zoe and Vincent look around the house a bit. Then, at first peek, Zoe said "Daddy, you got a new bike!" Daddy's new bike is mint green, and about the right size for a five year old. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


The past three days, I've been stretching myself to keep us all in the Christmas spirit. That is, to keep us kind, caring, giving and sharing with each other. Both children are out of school. The weather has been inclement. We have head colds. There are too many sweet treats in the house. And the kiddos are excited. 

There's so much build up to Christmas. In stores, at school, all the parties, the preparations. We try to keep it low key at our house, and to keep the holiday focused on giving to others, as well as on gratitude for all that we have. We have received many packages, so we talk about how each gift represents the love and good thoughts of those who care about us and are thinking about us. 

A package of love is dandy, but our children are three and five years old. So: FUN STUFF. All those pretty packages contain love and FUN STUFF. Tomorrow we unwrap the love and FUN STUFF. Very excited about the love and FUN STUFF.

Really, the kids have been quite good about looking but not touching, interestedly examining but not fixating on, the presents that await. Even the dog has been good around the gifts and tree. But still, everyone is excited. 

This afternoon we got a few minutes of distraction out of a flowering tea ball. We gave these as part of our teacher gifts this year. The ball is a wad of leaves and flowers hand sewn together in an artful way, then shaped and dried. When steeped in hot water, the ball unfurls and reveals...something pretty. The lady at the store told me the tea was nice to drink as well, but Zoe and I didn't find it to our taste. 

And now, clad in their Christmas pajamas, these children are asleep in their beds, with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads. Or maybe visions of FUN STUFF. As you open your cards and gifts tonight and tomorrow, please feel the love and goodwill that is tucked in the boxes and envelopes. We're thinking of you.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Feliz Navidad

This is the song Zoe performed with her class at the school's recent concert. We also sang it at Vincent's preschool holiday celebration. A song with a few repetitious lines works well for the littlest singers. Still, its a good idea to rehearse, right? Below, audio only as Vincent does a little multi-tasking in the bathroom.  

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Party Ready

 We got spiffed up for David's holiday party at work yesterday. These kids enjoy their dressy clothes to a surprising degree. Zoe with her "fancy dress" and Vincent with his "Daddy shirt" and "wedding shoes" were quite festive.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Horse Pennies

There are many horses hereabouts. In fact, the town's welcome sign says "...where horses have the right of way." Makes it sound kinda cowboy hicksville, no? 

Today on the drive to preschool, as we drove by the fifth horse, Vincent expressed an interest in having one at our house. We had the same exchange every parent has with every child who inquires about horse ownership. Where would it sleep? What would it eat? Who would clean up its poop? How would we pay for its special horse blanket, equine food, and super-sized pooper-scooper? 

Vincent had reasonable answers to all these questions, of course. To buy horsey stuff, he offered up the pennies from his robot piggy bank. When I told him there weren't quite enough pennies in the robot, he said "Otay. I keep my eyes onna gwound." 

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Christmas Tree Farm

There was a break in the rain, so we went to the tree farm. There are no big trees there anymore, as the place is now too well known. The trees don't have a chance to grow up! We found a nicely shaped little tree that suits us just fine. 

Zoe found a nice one as soon as she stepped out of the car. Vincent was willing to explore further afield. A highlight was the friendly, fluffy cat who approached us looking for pets. The kids were very willing to oblige. 

Once again, we enjoyed the tire swing and the porch swing and the cider and cookies. The wood stove was going on the covered porch, but it was too warm out to properly appreciate a fire. Our tree is up and simply decorated, just lights, tinsel, and a string of beads. It's too small to support much more, and besides, I don't want the dog to eat my favorite ornaments. 

Friday, December 5, 2014


What is a robot? What does it do? Does it live? Who makes it? I wanna make one.