Sunday, March 31, 2013

Another Day, Another Party Dress

Zoe's all about the clothes. Two fancy dress occasions in one weekend makes her happy. 

And then Vincent whacked the eggs together, cracking them all over. Just helping, of course, as the next step was to peel them and make deviled eggs. Unfortunately, the recipe I followed called for far too much salt. Blech.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Zoo Eggstravaganza

The zoo held spring and Easter themed festivities today. It was an easy way to continue Zoe's birthday fun. There were a variety of activities, including planting wildflower seeds, dying eggs, an insect search, a bunny hop, and an egg hunt. We also got to watch some of the animals hunt for treats - a donkey got his head stuck (temporarily) in a decorated cardboard box in his search for some tasty green pellets. 

The Easter Bunny was also on scene. He was on break, a very long break, when we got in line for our photo. She had already passed on waiting in line for the bee bag toss and the paper butterfly craft, so I was surprised she wanted to wait for Mr. Bunny. We waited and waited.

I wondered if Zoe would balk at the last moment, but she went right up and sat next to the giant rabbit. She did ask afterwards why he put his arm around her. It was rather forward of him, considering their brief acquaintance.


Zoe Is Four

"Tape! It's just what I wanted!"

Friday, March 29, 2013

Baking Up A Birthday

Choosing a birthday treat is no easy task.

Originally, Zoe liked the idea of going down to Arcata Scoop for some local made ice cream. But she couldn't be absolutely 100% certain they would have chocolate in the case. Probably they would, but what if they didn't?

So Zoe put in a request for chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting. Since we had been talking about the ice cream shop for so long, I checked in with her on the scoop/cupcake debate a couple times. She remained steadfast for a day, then announced she had changed her mind again.

"I want a square cake like in New Jersey, cut in straight lines and squares. Still chocolate with vanilla frosting." That decision was locked in this morning. Here, she points out a spot that needs more sprinkles.

Extra frosting and sprinkles put to good use:

Thursday, March 28, 2013

New Jersey

Our trip to New Jersey was a special one. What a crew of us stayed in Jay and Shirley's big old house! Three complete generations were under one roof. Our family, Jonathan and his family, and Mark was there too. We introduced Vincent to twenty or so cousins, including a set of twins just younger than him. We met our beautiful niece and her lovely mother for the first time. 

Aren't those the most kissable cheeks?!? I assure you, they are. Zoe enjoyed watching Kerrigan eat, and both kids really liked her toys, especially what Zoe keeps calling the "applesaucer." (She means exersaucer.)

Vincent is not asleep under there, just resting for a moment. With all the excitement of playing with cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents, he needed his rest. We romped in remnants of snow on our first day in New Jersey (sledding, snow angels, and a snow elk), and made a couple trips to the playground that David, Jonathan, and Mark played at as children. Vince went down the slide over and over again. 

On Sunday evening, the whole clan gathered for a Passover Seder. So much family together is a wonderful, special thing. Jay leads the Seder, and Zoe helped her grandpa make the charoset for the Seder Plate. Zoe's favorite part of the festive meal was the egg soup, which Jay also made. She's mentioned it a few times since, so it really made an impression. If Vincent remembers anything about Seder, it will be that he spent much of the evening without pants on, having wet his through about the time Dayenu was sung. 

Another big event for Zoe was a surprise early birthday party magicked up by Grandpa and Grandma. Some cousins dropped by, ice cream cake appeared, and there were presents. What a fun time for our birthday girl!

The travel itself went very smoothly, with all flights on time and connections easy to make. The trip to New Jersey was during normal waking hours. The flight back was a red eye, so a little more difficult. Poor Vincent begged me to put him to bed. "Night night...night night!" he wailed. He did eventually fall asleep in my arms. This was Vincent's last trip as a "lap infant," thank goodness. He wanted his own seat and his own buckle and his own tray table. Happily, the rough patches were brief, and in any case, it was a trip well worth making. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wain Dwopping

We went for a walk, but hurried home when it started "...wain dwopping."

Uncle Bear is Zoe's special lovey, but when she's not hugging him, Vincent is more than willing to fill in. Vince has his own particular animal, a sock monkey he asks for by querying "Oo ah?" (As in, the sound a monkey makes.)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


In the grocery parking lot, a flower fell from a lady's carelessly held bouquet. She glanced down at the flower, but didn't stop to pick it up. I did!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Art Show

The preschool fundraiser was quite the event. "A Night at the Art Museum" included two pieces by each student, as well as a pasta dinner and lots of raffle and silent auction items. There were activities for the kids, too. It was busy, and loud, and Zoe and Vince were overwhelmed. Still, we're glad we went.



Friday, March 1, 2013

Chocolate Things

This weekend we're attending an art show and dinner put on as a fundraiser for Zoe's preschool. Each family was asked to provide a dessert. I made a chocolate cake. It's the same Hershey's Big Dark Chocolate Cake and frosting recipe I always use, so easy and delicious. This is a new shape, though, using two 8x8 pans. Perhaps a square will be easier than a round to cut into small and tidy pieces. 

The children were well aware I was making chocolate things, and very interested in exactly when they would get their share. "The cake is not for us," I repeated several times. But all hope was not lost. Zoe, with the wisdom of 3 years and 11 months, knows that making frosting involves beaters and bowls and spatulas, and was sure there would be enough scrapings left for hungry children. Since I made a double batch, she was correct. 

They were happy to eat the sweet stuff straight, but pretzels dipped in chocolate frosting are pretty good, too. 

Hair Dos, Hair Don'ts