Sunday, August 14, 2016

Summertime: Time Well Spent

On June 17, the summer stretched before us in a limitless way. You know the next line...where did the time go??

We used it up on swimming lessons, tee ball, an amazing trip to Alaska, and summer camp. David has traveled a few times for work, as well. We have put away delicious quantities of backyard berries, mostly in our tummies but a few into the freezer, too. The pea plants are still producing enough that we're eating peas and also stockpiling for the winter. The apples trees are loaded with not-quite-ripe fruit. The flower garden is past its peak, but still full of color.

There are just two weeks left before school starts for the children, and I'll go back a few days earlier. There are many projects I hoped to accomplish this summer that didn't get done, but I still count it as a season well spent. I hope you can say the same!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Paid Employment

This morning one of my aunties called. She wanted to ask about that job application I mentioned here on the blog back in November. We don't speak on the phone often, but it's always a pleasure. Unfortunately, I missed her call this morning. Because I was interviewing for that job!

I'm not sure I should really call it an interview. The principal did most of the talking, describing to me the duties and hours she had available and asking me to choose those which worked best for me. I'll start work on Monday morning, working with fourth and fifth graders as a classroom paraprofessional. In other words, I'm a teacher's aide.

The hours are just right. I'll work three hours per morning while Vincent is at preschool. I'll have the same days off as Zoe and Vincent, including summers. The kids won't even notice that I'm working, except that perhaps they'll have to go grocery shopping with me more often than they have recently. The principal had no problem with a trip I already have planned at the end of January, and she also mentioned that if I need to miss work because I am sick or the kids are sick, it's nothing to stress out about.

Vincent would like to make the following contribution:

vincent is 4. he is wearing a moose shirt.

He typed that line himself.

I think I'll be good at this job, and the hours and location (a bit more than a mile from home) are excellent. I'm ready to expand the scope of my world and my contributions to society beyond the walls of home. No doubt there will be times when I wonder why I have added to my responsibilities, but at the moment, I am very pleased to be going to work - for pay!

(I did call my auntie back and we had a good chat.)

Friday, December 25, 2015

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Baby Mouse and Party Parent

Vincent and I attended the Saturday matinee of the Nutcracker to watch David and Zoe perform. They're naturals!

Vincent has watched video of the Nutcracker, and was anticipating the scenes: "I'm excited for the snowball fight," and "The battle is soon."

Zoe and David are in the first scene only, so they joined us in the audience for the second half of the show. Baby mouse snuggled on my lap. She's having fun, but is tired from the late nights and novelty of the experience. 

One more performance and then David will put away his dancing shoes for awhile. Zoe won't, though. I'm sure she'll have them on every other day for the next month at least.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving Potluck

Four families gathered to share a potluck dinner. The kids ran wild in the house, across the lawn, and through a tunnel in the hedge. The adults sipped festive beverages and talked baseball and gardening, Volkswagons and travel. A friend helped Zoe and Vincent each pick a golden apple straight from an old tree in the yard. Zoe's came away with leaves, which tickled her face as she ate. Vincent's chin ran with apple juice.

We ate our meal outside, a little bit chilly, but in the last slant of the afternoon sun. Adults hopped up and down to help children, get more napkins, take pictures. Pumpkin pie, made from pumpkins grown by our hosts, was eaten around the fire pit. The kids, now fueled by calories and getting giddy, raced around more wildly than before.

The temperature dropped after sunset, making the fire pit feel even cozier. By six o'clock it was fully dark, and also cold and damp. The children moved inside, and the grownups followed with platters of food and drinks. By the time the leftovers were divvied up and the dishes were stacked, the kids were fading. Zoe and Vincent yawned all the way home.

It was an excellent Thanksgiving. We spent it with good people, in a beautiful place, eating delicious food. I am thankful.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Enjoy The Moment

Yesterday, I submitted an application for a paying job, my first since 2008. Then I attended the burial of a dear friend who died of peritoneal mesothelioma. The hardest part was watching her husband and six year old son at the graveside. So...lots of big feelings. I am thankful for this tranquil fall afternoon.